"What is GitHub?"

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Profile Setup

To create a GitHub profile, go to https://github.com/join. You will need to verify your email during the signup process. There are different types of accounts on GitHub, but every person who uses GitHub has their own personal account. To keep your account secure, use a strong and unique password. You can upgrade to the Pro, Team, or Enterprise plan if needed. Follow the prompts to create your personal account or organization.


To create a repository on GitHub, you can follow these steps:

1.) Go to https://github.com/join and sign up for an account if you haven’t already.
2.) Once you’re signed in, click the “+” icon in the top right corner of the page and select “New repository”.
3.) Type in a name for your repository.
4.) Optionally, add a description of your repository.
5.) Choose whether you want your repository to be public or private.
6.) Select “Initialize this repository with a README” if you want to create a README file for your repository.
7.) Click “Create repository” to create your new repository.

Custom CNAME

To create a custom CNAME on GitHub, you can follow these steps:

1.) On GitHub, navigate to your site’s repository.
2.) Under your repository name, click Settings.
3.) In the left sidebar, click Pages.
4.) Under “Custom domain”, type your custom domain, then click Save. This will create a commit that adds a CNAME file in the root of your publishing source1.

Free Hosting

You can use GitHub Pages to host a website about yourself, your organization, or your project directly from a repository on GitHub.com. GitHub Pages is a free hosting service that allows you to host static websites by simply publishing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files from a repository on GitHub.

Here are the steps to follow:

1.) Create a new repository on GitHub.
2.) Name the repository -username-.github.io, replacing -username- with your GitHub username.
3.) Clone the repository to your local machine.
4.) Create an index.html file in the root directory of the repository.
5.) Commit and push the changes to GitHub.
6.) Visit https://-username-.github.io in your web browser.
